Solar 101
The sun gives off approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter. In theory, there are enough photons delivered to the Earth in one hour to generate enough solar power for the entire globe for one year, this is an abundance of energy just waiting to be collected! Solar power is made possible by photovoltaic (PV) cells. These get their name from the process of converting light in the form of photons to electricity in the form of voltage, also known as the photovoltaic effect. These cells are most commonly made from silicon, a good semiconductor, and have both a positive and negative layer, together creating an electric field. There are many PV cells that make up a solar panel, and multiple panels to make a solar array. Our sun is a gigantic naturally occurring nuclear reactor. This reactor produces, and releases energy packets known as photons which travel 93 million miles to earth is just 8.5 minutes. When photons from the sun hit the silicon solar cells, they knock electrons loose from their atoms and allow them to flow freely.
The PV cells contain one or more electric fields that act to force electrons that have been freed to flow in a certain direction. The electron flow provides a current and the electric fields create the voltage. When you put these together you have power. The power that is created is in the form of DC power, In which electrons only flow in one direction around the circuit. However, DC power is particularly expensive to move over long distances, so AC power is what is used by the U.S. power grid. With AC power electrons are pushed and pulled, periodically reversing in direction within the circuit. This is how power is created through solar panels to power your home. Inverters take the DC electricity from your solar panels and convert it into AC electricity. AC electricity is what runs your home. Find out more about the types of solar systems in our “Types of Solar Systems” section below.
376 Tons
of COD from burning coal OR
895,348 miles
the equivalent of driving a car OR
446 Acres
of planted trees.


Arkansas’s Top Rated Solar Power Company
We are leading the solar power charge here in Arkansas. Our team is trained to detect and determine solutions to correct excess energy consumption. We strive to save you money each month on your utility payments. With ZERO down and a 30% tax credit, we can offset your monthly electric bills by up to 50% following your solar panel install. There has never been a better time to go green than now.

Our Energy Experts at Sun Valley Renewables are excited to speak with you about any and ALL your solar power needs. Contact us now for a FREE energy consultation.